Drinking and fun facts

Drinking and fun facts


Without showing your teeth having fun is unimaginable, because if you have a good time you laugh and smile endlessly. But my favorite is when I am in a bad mood and see funny actions of strange people, when they pour a cocktail on the T-shirt, dropping a cup, or making funny faces, say the wrong words or they are just funny creatures whose aim in life is to make someone laugh or to deal with bad vibes.

I think you will agree that the best funny moments happen when we are drunk, maybe because we can’t control our minds or just don’t care about our actions. Science has one definition why you do silly things when you are drunk “When you drink, brain cells don’t fire “normally,” which is why you can sometimes find it hard to walk in a straight line or articulate words properly”.

Do you know how long it takes for the brain to start to react to alcohol? Maybe now you will think about it. It depend on how tired you are, how can you bare alcohol and bla bla bla but don’t think so much please, Drunk man don’t like thinking, the answer is we just need 6 minutes to react to alcohol, maybe that’s why “1 in 5 top 100 country music songs refer to alcohol” (research suggests) and what you know about Cenosillicaphobia? Maybe tipsy man can’t say this word, it’s a fear of having an empty glass, that’s why you and me want to order cocktails at bar endlessly, but there is also one positive side some research suggest that drinking alcohol can help you live longer (I do want to believe this case) they explain that when we drink with our friends it reduces stress and kills loneliness, so we need much noise at our house parties or something else and that’s why some say that Bill Wilson a man who founded Alcoholycs anonymous demanded alcohol during his final days.

The best solution after crazy nights full with alcohol is that it has one good habit: Alcohol interferes with the receptor charged with creating memories, that’s why you can’t remember your actions in the morning, but it’s good , maybe it depends on what you did last night, if you did rough actions, if you scream or wanted to dance or sing with your whole effort , it doesn’t cost remembering.

And if you want to have less harmful hangovers you should know about:

“Dark liquors, such as red wine or whiskey, are more likely to result in severe hangovers, White or clear liquors are less likely to result in a hangover because for example Red wines have higher alcohol content than white wines.
What about receiving some VIP services or products? I think there is one thing you must know: the foot treading of grapes is still used in making small amounts of some expensive Port wines and it takes at least 600 grapes to make one bottle of wine. I don’t like this idea and that’s why my favorite drinking is still Vodka which is the most popular thing in the whole world, you can add what you want, drink and do what your brain remembers to do to create your own good vibes.

I have already talked about some cool and fun facts about drinking (maybe you will agree) and the last thing I want to say is: never forget the main thing- you must have fun , you must collect funny memories because it’s one of the pleasures of life, you must do fun things to make someone laugh to change their daily life , yes, if you do silly things when you drink and if your friends laugh about your actions it’s worth it because we need fun facts to live, love and laugh.