How to avoid Covid in nightclubs and bars? Everything you need to know about club safely during the pandemic


Finally, the Covid restrictions are removed, which means clubbing has returned – though it’s not going to be the same as before. Maybe all Covid regulations are lifted – but their place took “guidelines” putting all responsibility on businesses and individuals to care about their own protection. Venues will be opening all around the world, with different degrees of self-imposed restrictions. However, infections are rising, especially among still-unvaccinated younger people. As young people are more likely to be clubbers, risks of catching the virus gets higher, therefore we have to know how to protect ourselves from getting infected in a Clubbing environment.

Do your research

Go to Youtube and listen to every conspiracy theory… HAHA, OBVIOUSLY NOT! Instead, check out every detail of your night out. Here are the questions you need to ask before going out: “Are promoters taking into account ventilation?”, “Will we be able to keep social distancing, and if we’re not then are masks mandatory?”, “Do we know if people have been tested or vaccinated?” Some clubs are too small for social distancing, some clubs have weak ventilation systems, some clubs get greedy and do not control if people are vaccinated or tested. Base your decision over the information you gather, do nor risk your and your loved one’s safety for a risky rave.


Obviously the most important thing you can do is test before going out and stay home if you have even a slight hint of symptoms, you don’t want to be the reason for someone getting infected either, do you? If you go out with a mild cough or headache it will probably end up getting the venue pinged, you could potentially cause your favorite club to get closed for quite a while.

Keep your mask on

Think of a mask as an umbrella on a rainy day, or safety glasses while grinding a metal object, or using ear protection while you play as a DJ. It’s a great way to reduce risk and stay safe.

Don’t go alone

You see your friends often, you trust them and you know if they are vaccinated or tested, therefore it’s quite a good idea to go out with your housemates and friends you’re in a bubble with. you can cuddle up with them and shout in their faces and you won’t have to worry. However, you can’t do that with strangers, plus you fill your immediate surroundings with people you have physical contact with every day or every other day, so you meet less strangers in the club.


Good ventilation is mostly impossible in today’s venues due to noise restrictions. You’ll need to think constantly about distancing, if you want to talk to someone, move away from the speakers you won’t have to yell that way, and if you feel crowded, either move outdoors, or move on to somewhere else.

Remember the main reason you do this

We love clubbing and we need to be responsible in order to protect our community and the industry. We are in this together, that includes the venues, the promoters, the staff, as well as your friends. The pandemic is not over and we have to understand that no matter how the organizers try to take every precaution to keep us safe, it still comes down to individual responsibility. This is the only way to keep the venues open and to keep our favorite way of spending Friday nights available.