It fosters human connection
Verbal communication is minimized during the rave, here you dance without words and body language becomes a source of communication.
In a crowded room you meet people with your eyes. You discover one of them, the music stars you feel it and both of you smile. Shake hands at the same time and you get pleasure from that moment. And you feel them raving more and more.
We are usually deprived of such moments in life. So we have to feel and enjoy the moment to the end. This is such a real and natural momment that it is not necessary to take drugs to establish a connection with rave. When we feel closer to others it boosts our subjective well being.
Music is truly universal it connects us all from anywhere in the world. You are on a rave with strangers who can come from any country, from anywhere in the world.
Studies conducted at Deacon University in Australia have shown that attending regular live music can increase life expectancy by up to nine years it gives us serenity mental health. The study showed that rave funs had a sense of self-worth, mental stimulation and sense of closeness to others while at a rave. Best raves gives you all these emotions and joys.
Dancing increases wellbeing
During the rave all the sounds of music touch your body to the end, reach your senses and excite you. There are no decorated tables surrounded by people talking. Everyone’s attention is drawn to music. There is really nothing to do but dance, and when you dance at hard rave music it hits different.
When you cande, you move into “being” your mind doesn’t have to think about anything or anybody.
You can access the mental health benefits of music therapy at rave. Music can help lift depression. Emily carlson, a music therapist said that: “ some ways of coping with negative emotion, such as rumination, which means continually thinking over negative things, are linked to poor mental health”.
When you are tired you may not go to the rave but the hard rave music increase the endorphins just like in the gym so it can bring you wellbeing.
The studies shows that dancing shoul be encouraged as part of treatment for people with anxiety.
Mental disconnection from the everyday
Hopefully, while on the rave, you don’t think things like a broken washing machine, a failed interview or a Trump statement. We become fully attuned to the present moment, and that’s the same for both sober and non sober ravers, becouse the lights, smoke, sounds and visuals are so all consuming we can not help buy get lost in them. Rave becomes a place where we mentally disconnect and feels the moment of best rave.
Iso-Ahol’s theory of motivation suggests that people are driven by a desire to escape from the everyday environment. And it has never been so necessary and widespread as it is now. When we face a stressful situation be it a huge global problem like pandemic or something in our own home, we all need to spend time on self-imporvement to essential to well-being.
So can a rave then be as mentally some healing as a meditating, walking or watching netflix in our attempts to stop thinking?
Dancding can take us into a different state of consciousness, that is freed from an over-stimulated busy mind and state of mind.
Early studies show that by getting in touch with our bodies and emotions rather than being stuck in our minds we can actually release emotional trauma and physical pain.