Drinking Tips from bartender

Greetings from the world of nightlife, where memories are forged and beverages are available. As an experienced bartender, I've seen numerous customers successfully negotiate the maze of mixed drinks. I have some insider advice for you if you want to up your drinking game and make it an excellent (or not) night:


The golden rule of responsible drinking is to pace yourself. Take time to enjoy each drink and allow your body to adjust to the alcohol. I promise you that this is not a sprint but a marathon.


Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate: Befriend a glass of water in between beverages. It will keep you feeling rejuvenated and prepared for hitting the dance floor in addition to helping you avoid the dreaded hangover.


Quality Over Quantity: When it's possible, choose premium spirits. They taste better, but they also have a lower chance of giving you a headache the next day.


Recognize Your Limits: It's important to respect the boundaries that each of us has. When you reach your limit, don't be scared to end the evening. Instead, pay attention to how you're feeling.


Snack Attack: A well-nourished body may metabolize alcohol more efficiently. Before going out, satisfy your appetite with a substantial dinner or some delicious bar snacks.


Make Your Ride Plans: Avoid having a disastrous finale to a fun-filled evening. Plan ahead and make use of ride-sharing services, select a driver, or become acquainted with public transit alternatives.


Accept Variety: Try some new beverages and get out of your comfort zone. Who knows, maybe you'll find a new favorite drink!


Keep in mind that moderation and careful drinking are the keys to a great evening. Raise your glass, celebrate life's wonderful moments, and watch as the evening's adventures begin.