How to Recover After the Festival

When you return home after a long festival, you think, "Wow, how can I get back to myself?" Music festivals can change lives, create unforgettable memories with old friends and new acquaintances. At the festival, we think that life is short and we should enjoy every minute of it.

Music festivals are big parties. The reason for the fun is that we can do whatever we want. This is another world where you feel free. As human beings, we want freedom and music festivals give us that. But like everything else in life, this freedom has consequences.

These changes can change your physical, psychological, and mental condition. This is a process that most of the festival participants do not realize.

At music festivals, we think a little bit about the stress we get because we enjoy that period. However, despite all this, music festivals can be harmful to health.Everything is nice before returning home. When we return home we feel tired and the results that festivals bring. Recovery even takes time. These results are inevitable after the crazy weekend of the festival, but there are ways to get back to normal.



On the second morning of the festival, your brain may forget how to produce serotonin. It takes several days for the brain to start producing serotonin at normal levels. These few days can be challenging and depressing. However, you can take certain foods and other supplements, and you can also take part in various activities that will help your serotonin return to normal.

I will now share with you the supplements you can take. These are natural supplements and have been proven to affect serotonin production.

  • 5-HTP
  • Saffron
  • Folate
  • L-Tryptophan
  • Vitamins B6&B12


Nutrition tips

While feeding we should pay attention to the amount of tryptophan, because it affects the production of serotonin.

We share foods that are rich with tryptophan:

  • Chiken
  • Turkey
  • Salmon
  • Nut butter
  • Eggs
  • Green peas

We also share foods that are high in carbohydrates:

  • Pasta
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Popcorn
  • Bread
  • Apples
  • Blueberries
  • Pineapple

Eating these foods will help your brain produce serotonin. Try to include any of these foods in your diet within a week of returning from a music festival.



Sunlight has a huge impact on the functioning of our brain. With the help of sunlight, chemical neurotransmitters are produced in the brain. It is about happiness.

You should not stay in a dark room after a music festival, on the contrary you should go outside. You should also spend at least one or two hours on recovery days. You do not need to do anything, just get enough sunlight.



As you know 70% of our body is water. Water-assisted vitamins are supplied to our bodies.

After a music festival, your body loses a good percentage of retained water. No matter how much water you drink it is not enough during a music festival.

Dehydration for a long time can damage your kidneys. If there is not enough water in the body, toxins can not be expelled from the body. After the music festival it is necessary to be completely hydrated, otherwise the kidneys will ache and the urine will start to discolor.



On the weekends of a music festival, you participate in lots of physical activity. These activities put a lot of stress on your muscles, a four-day music festival is like a four-day aerobic workout. You move most of the day and rest less. After returning from a long festival weekend, you are likely to experience muscle soreness. This is not a bad thing, it just means that your body needs to recover and strengthen itself.

The recovery process can take up to a week, however, there are ways you can speed up this process to get back to your usual daily routine without the constant annoying pain.

We will share a few ways


One way to alleviate post-festival pain is to stretch. Stretching will help relieve body tension, allowing your body to return to a normal position.


One excellent way to relieve pain and inflammation is through massage.

One of the main problems that people complain about after festivals is leg pain. This continuous activity puts a lot of stress on your leg muscles and bones. A good way to alleviate this stress and pain is to purchase a foot massage device. Along with relaxation, foot massage will allow you to return to a normal life without getting up or walking after the festival.


Relaxing is the best way to relax your muscles after a music festival. Your body needs time to recover. When you return home from the festival, you should get as little physical activity as possible. The sofa is your best friend at this time.



When you attend a music festival at night you sleep for only a few hours. Sleep is the best method of energy recovery. During sleep your body slows down the waking processes and focuses on restoring your cells for the next day. When you do not get enough sleep, your body will not be able to fully recover for the next day's activities. Even after a long and tiring weekend, your body really needs a good night's sleep

After returning home from the festival, you should definitely sleep as much as you can. This will allow your body to return to a normal sleep mode and help you repair damaged cells.


Sum up

No matter how healthy you are, the festival will definitely have an impact on your health, so it is important to stay in shape. Follow this article to prevent damage to your body. We have shared with you simple ways on how to get back to normal after the festival. Therefore always hydrate, eat healthy food, and get a good night sleep to shorten the recovery process.

The idea of ​​a music festival is to promote happiness, health and connection to the environment. It is therefore important to follow the tips to make you feel this happiness to the end.

So do not worry about stress after the festival, work on correcting it and get ready for the next festival. Life is short so we have to make every day a holiday